Camina àgil.
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Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Inspira i expira tres cops, treu l'aire sense gaire esforç. Acosta la llengua a la base de la boca, deixa-la relaxada. Amb aquesta posició, expulsa l'aire com si estiguessis embadalit mirant un paisatge encisador.
Escolta la paraula car en anglès americà i la paraula car en català. Potser et pot ajudar a pronunciar la vocal [a] articular l'última síl·laba de car si l'articules amb més brevetat. Observa aquest vídeo. Fes el mateix amb la paraula bar en anglès americà i en català. Observa el vídeo.
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Escolta la diferència entre els sons destacats:
Reveal the word
Escolta la diferència entre els sons destacats:
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Escolta atentament les paraules que segueixen. Fes atenció a tots els sons que les componen quan les diguis i fixa't especialment en el so treballat.
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Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Una ovella, serella, merella, llanuda, llanada, cap i coronada tenia sis corderets serells, merells, llanuts, llanats, cap i coronats. Si l'ovella no haguera sigut serella, merella, llanuda, llanada, cap i coronada, els seus corderets no haurien sigut serells, merells, llanuts, llanats, cap i coronats.
Reveal the word
Què és viure? Llevar-se, anar a dormir, esmorzar, sopar i tornar a començar el mateix l'endemà al matí. Quan es fan aquests menesters des de fa quaranta anys, tot acaba semblant ben insípid. (Claude Tillier)
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Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
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