Gallina 'Hen'

Reveal the word

Una gallina xica, tica, mica,
camacurta i ballarica
va tenir sis fills xics, tics, mics,
camacurts i ballarics.
Si la gallina no hagués estat xica, tica, mica,
camacurta i ballarica,
els sis fills no haurien estat xics, tics, mics,
camacurts i ballarics.

'A little, tittle, mittle,
short-legged and dancing hen,
had six little, tittle, mittle,
short-legged and dancing children.
If the hen had not been a little, tittle, mittle,
short-legged and dancing hen,
the six children would not have been little, tittle, mittle,
short-legged and dancing children.'

Tica & mica or tics & mics are meaniingless word that rhyme with others in the tongue twister; thus, they have been translated as meaningless words rhyming with the English translations of the Catalan references.