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La pastera 'the kneading tool'

Reveal the word

A, b, c, la pastera ja la sé.
Si hi ha pa me'l menjaré.
si hi ha peix faré el mateix,
si el pare m'hi atrapa,
fugiré com una rata,
si la mare no m'hi vol,
fugiré com un cargol.

'A, b, c, I already know the kneading tool.
If there is bread, I’ll eat it.
If there’s fish I’ll do the same,
If my father catches me,
I’ll flee like a rat,
If my mother doesn’t want me there,
I’ll flee like a snail.'


Olles, olles 'pots, pots'

Reveal the word

Olles, olles de vi blanc,
totes són plenes de fang,
de fang i de maduixa,
gira la carrutxa.
Qui la girarà?
- La Maria serà.

'Waves, wave son white wine,
All of them are full of mud,
Of raspberry mud,
Turn the rolling pin.
Who is going to turn it?
- It is going to be Maria.'


Sota de l'om 'under the elm'

Reveal the word

El dia de Sant Joan
;és diada assenyalada
,jo me'n 'nava carrer avall
carrer de l'enamorada
,Oh, lai-lom
sota de l'om
,quan ombrejava
!oh, lai-lom

'The Saint John’s Eve
Is a distinguished holiday  
I went down the street
Street of the one that is in love
Oh, lai-lom'