
Reveal the word

Dotze cavallers,
dotze camarades,
són anats a Tremp
a robar una dama,
són anats a Tremp
a robar una dama.

Quan ne són a Tremp,
sola l'han trobada,
sola en un balcó
que a la fresca estava.
sola en un balcó
que a la fresca estava.

Senyora Isabel,
no heu sopat encara?
No per cert senyor,
que no tinc pas gana.
No per cert senyor,
que no tinc pas gana.

Mon pare no hi és,
ni tampoc ma mare.
Són a l'Aragó,
que volen casar-me.
Són a l'Aragó,
que volen casar-me.
Amb un mal vellot
que a mi no m'agrada.
Senyora Isabel,
voleu ser robada?
Senyora Isabel,
voleu ser robada?

Robada seré
si el lladre m'agrada.
A la mitja nit
sent soroll per casa.
A la mitja nit
sent soroll per casa.

Deixeu-me vestir,
que estic despullada.
Amb un cavall blanc
se l'han emportada.
Amb un cavall blanc
se l'han emportada.

Amb capa de seda
ja l'han abrigada,
amb un mocador
li han tapat la cara,
i amb un mocador
li han tapat la cara. 


Twelve knights,
Twelve comrades,
Went to Tremp
To steal a lady,
Went to Tremp
To steal a lady.

When they are in Tremp,
They stole only her,
She was lonely on the balcony
In the fresh air.
She was lonely on the balcony
In the fresh air.

Lady Isabel,
You have not have dinner yet?
No mister,
I am not hungry.
No mister,
I am not hungry.

My father is not here,
And neither my father.
They are in Aragon,
And want to find a match for me to get married.
They are in Aragon,
And want to find a match for me to get married.
With a bad old man,
Who I do not like.
Lady Isabel,
To you want to be kidnaped?
Lady Isabel,
Do you want to be kidnaped?

I should be kidnaped,
If I like the kidnaper.
At midnight
One can hear noise in the house.
At midnight
One can hear noise in the house.

Let me dress myself,
I am naked.
On a white horse
They took her away.
On a white horse
They took her away.

In a silk coat,
They wrapped her up,
With a handkerchief,
They blindfolded her,
And with a handkerchief,
They blindfolded her.