No convé deixar perdre res 'One does not have to waste anything'

Reveal the word

Un home llençà els trossos de pa que li sobraven de dinar. Es morí i va comparèixer davant del tribunal de Nostre Senyor. El Dimoni li presentà dos sacs de trossos de pa que havia deixat perdre i cridà venjança contra ell. Els trossos de pa que sobraven del dinar havien de ser per a les formigues.

(Alcover, 1963-1972, XXIX)

'A man throws the pieces of bread away that were left over from lunch. He died and appeared in front of the tribunal of Our Lord. The Demon presented two sacks of the bread the man wasted and shouts for vengeance. The pieces of bread that were left over were for the ants.

(Alcover, 1963-1972, XXIX)'