Què t'ha dit, què t'ha dut, què t'ha dat en Bernat? 'What has Bernat said, brought and given to you?' Reveal the word 0
Visc al bosc i busco vesc i visc del vesc que busco al bosc. 'I live in the woods and I look for mistletoe and I live by the mistletoe that I look for in the woods.' Reveal the word 0
En cap cap cap el que cap en aquest cap. 'In no head fits what can fit in this head.' Reveal the word 0
Jo no sé què tinc que a les cinc tinc son. 'I don't know what I have that at five I am sleepy.' Reveal the word 0
Fa fred, l'àvia fa foc, el foc fa fum, fa fred però el foc i el fum faran l'hivern més curt. 'It's cold, grandma lights a fire, the fire makes smoke, it's cold but the fire and smoke will make the winter shorter.' Reveal the word 0
En un pot no pot haver-hi hagut vi bo del fort sense un embut. 'In a can can't have had strong wine without a funnel.' Reveal the word 0
Duc pa sec al sac, m'assec on soc i el suco amb suc. 'I carry dried bread in the sack, I sit where I am and I dip it into some sauce.' Reveal the word 0