Duc com puc un ruc a un duc rus mut. 'I'm taking a donkey to a mute Russian duke with great difficulty.' Reveal the word 0
Jo tinc una caixetatan ben requinquilladetaque cap requinquilladorno la requinquillarà millor, tan ben requinquillada com ella està. 'I have a little box that well restored that no restorer will restore it better, since it is so well restored.' Reveal the word 0
Duc pa sec al sac, m'assec on soc i el suco amb suc. 'I carry dried bread in the sack, I sit where I am and I dip it into some sauce.' Reveal the word 0
En cap cap cap el que cap en aquest cap. 'In no head fits what can fit in this head.' Reveal the word 0