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Listen and repeat the audio and / or video from below:

A, el mestre em va pegar 'A, the teacher hit me'

Reveal the word

A, el mestre em va pegar;
E, jo no sé per què;
I, jo no vaig venir;
O, jo no estava bo
U, el burro ets tu.

'A, the teacher hit me;
E, I don’t know why;
I, I didn’t come;
O, I didn’t feel well
U, you are the donkey.'


El petit vailet 'The little boy'

Reveal the word

El petit vailet, de matí es lle
agafà la rella i a llaurar se'n va.
Lairum, laireta, lairum, lairum, lairà

'The little boy gets up the morning
Takes the ploughshare and goes to plough.
Lairum, laireta, lairum, lairum, lairà.
The young mistress brings him the breakfast
A hearing and a crust of bread.
Lairum, laireta, lairum, lairum, lairà.'


Bon dia, nostre pare 'Good morning, our father'

Reveal the word

Bon dia, nostre pare,
bon dia, nostre rei!
Pagueu-nos la soldada
perquè és de dreta llei.

Bon dia, fills, bon dia,
digueu-me d'on veniu?

Venim de Barcelona,
bon par(e), aquí ens teniu.

Quin és el vostre ofici
m'hauríeu d'explicar.

El nostre ofici, pare,
mireu-lo com se fa.
Lireta, lirondaina,
lireta, lirondí.

Aquell qui té un ofici
de fam no es pot morir.

'Good morning, our father,
Goof morning, our king!
Pay us our salary
Because it’s our right.

Good morning, sons, good morning,
Tell me, where do you come from?

We come from Barcelona,
Good father here you have us.

Which is your profession
You have to tell me.

Our profession, father.
Lyra, lirondaina,
Lyra, lirondi.

The one that has a profession
won’t starve to death.'