Per dissipar un dubte, sigui quin sigui, es necessita una acció. (Carlyle) 'Doubt of any kind cannot be resolved except by action.' (Carlyle) Reveal the word 0
Una casa serà forta i indestructible quan estigui sostinguda per aquestes quatre columnes: pare valent, mare prudent, fill obedient i germà complaent. (Confuci) 'A house will stay strong and indestructible when it is hold by these four pillars: brave father, prudent mother, obedient son and pleasant brother.' (Confucius) Reveal the word 0
La infantesa té les seves prò pies maneres de veure, pensar i sentir; no hi ha res més insensat que pretendre substituir-les per les nostres. 'Childhood has its own ways of seeing, thinking and feeling; theres nothing more foolish than trying to change them for ours.' (Rousseau) Reveal the word 0
Un amic és una persona amb qui es pot pensar en veu alta. (Emmerson) 'A friend is a person with whom I may think aloud.' (Emmerson) Reveal the word 0
La pintura és poesia muda; la poesia, pintura cega. (L. da Vinci) 'Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.' (L. da Vinci) Reveal the word 0